A seventh installment to the series, titled Cake Mania: New Generation, was given the green light to enter development in early 2011. However, subsequent acquizistion of the series by Digital Chocolate from Sandlot led to it being cancelled due to D.C. Wanting to create.
- A seventh installment to the series, titled Cake Mania: New Generation, was given the green light to enter development in early 2011. However, subsequent acquizistion of the series by Digital Chocolate from Sandlot led to it being cancelled due to D.C. Wanting to create app or browser based games instead of PC platform games.
- Sep 25, 2010 Cake Mania, Time Management Games, Jill recently graduated from culinary school and is now facing the task of saving her family's bakery. Help her make it! Download & Play Cake Mania.
Cake Mania 7 New Generation
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